速報APP / 通訊 / My Angel Connection

My Angel Connection





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:340 Main Street Suite 9000 Worcester, MA 01608

My Angel Connection(圖1)-速報App

I am a Transformational Soul Healer certified in Crystal Healing, Shamanic Reiki Master, and Seichim Reiki Master, use this app to book an appointment or message me in real-time. I've discovered through my search for my own life purpose that heaven is always just an earshot away and listening. My search lead me to many answers and insights. Realizations that were more like memories of what I already knew or better described as re-membering. We are all loved and supported for our work here on the Earth Plane.

My Angel Connection(圖2)-速報App

I am an Earth Angel here to share that love and Divine connection through my healings. With my grace and gentleness I bring inner peace through that very same Divine connection. I am able to do all this with the support of the Atlantean Angels and the powerful assistance of the Watchtowers of the North, East, South, and West. I connect on the Soul Plane and guide the healing according to what the Soul needs. Addressing karma, imbalances, and past lives when directed. What you can expect is a truly loving session helping you achieve balance, flow, and overall alignment. Fill your body and Soul with beauty, love and transformation.